Blue Fieldsports 2024 Shooting Sports Dates Below are all of the show and other important shooting sports dates for 2024! If we've missed any let us know and we'll add them. 28th January - UKPSA AGM 23rd to 25th February - British Shooting Show... Useful Dates Dec 31, 2023
Blue Fieldsports UK Deer Seasons If you are interested in guided deer stalking for roe and muntjac in Hampshire, see our Deer Stalking page for more information and prices. Species Sex England Wales Scotland N. Ireland Red Stag Aug 1... Useful Dates Apr 30, 2023
Blue Fieldsports UK Game Bird Seasons If you are interested in booking any type of game shooting please get in contact and we can help you arrange it. We have single pegs on our home estate St. Clair's available in most seasons. We can ar... Useful Dates Apr 30, 2023