The latest from HSE has been published on the proposed lead ban, it's not as bad as it could be, but it looks pretty ominous for Clay Shooting and Practical Shotgun.
The highlights are:
The use of lead shot for live quarry shooting would be prohibited.
The use of lead shot for target shooting would be prohibited.
- However, a derogation will allow for a small number of athletes, as identified by the
appropriate sporting body (for example British Shooting), that are required to
continue shooting lead shot for the purposes of international competition and
The sale or trade of lead shot (for a price or otherwise) would be prohibited.
- However, a derogation will allow for those athletes referenced above to
continue to source the lead shot required for international competition and
The sale or trade of lead bullets (for a price or otherwise) would not be
prohibited, since these would continue to be available for indoor shooting
which is out of scope of this restriction.
The use of lead bullets for live quarry shooting would not be prohibited.
The use of lead bullets for outdoor target shooting would be prohibited.
- However, a derogation would allow for this use to continue at sites that have
controls in place to reduce the identified risks to the environment, and
documentation indicating why these controls are appropriate. In practise,
these controls, which include de-leading of ranges, are broadly expected to be
in place by the majority of existing outdoor shooting ranges. This means that the majority of outdoor shooting ranges could continue to operate and allow the use of lead bullets.
The use of lead ammunition in air weapons would not be prohibited.
The sale or trade of lead ammunition for air weapons (for a price or otherwise) would not be prohibited.
Lead Ban Update - October 2023